I offer videoconference support/mentoring sessions to help you think about your project together, at any stage of the project.
The “Abat-jour Designer” Mentoring service is aimed at:
To future lampshade makers who have questions about the daily life of our profession, about the best way to train, about good practices.
This session is offered in a one-hour format
You send me a questionnaire in advance about your project, your questions and your objectives so that I can prepare for our interview.
60€/hour and 60€ package if prepared in advance
For active lampshade makers who wish to improve their skills on a specific subject such as creating a collection for example, or researching a concept.
Our meeting takes place in two stages:
An initial 30-minute meeting for presentations and definitions of your needs prior to our work session at a cost of 50 euros.
The work session(s) at the rate of 90 euros/hour