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Sylvie Angela Lecerf

Trainer for Lampshade Designers

Initiator and Founder of the first Abat-jour Training organization in March 2012

Who am I?

After having worked several years as a sales representative and trainer in different sectors, and more recently in the pharmaceutical industry,  I decided 9 years ago to work as a freelance. I then create my company under the  name of "Lafilleduhangar" specialized in Crafts, and training. 

In search of light and color, becoming a designer and restorer of custom-made lampshades was obvious. I am  Art Craftsman,  initiator in 2011  of Professional Training Custom Shade.



BTS Aesthetics-cosmetics-perfumery, option cosmetology. 2 years

BTS Commercial action, financial management (specialization in the trades of fashion and the textile industry and industry of Lille). 2 years


Commercial banking sector, trainer for business introducers in real estate (Notaries, real estate agents, craftsmen…). 7 years.

Pharmaceutical industry sector Medical delegate, trainer for general practitioners and specialists City and hospital  . 16 years old

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